level 2
accredit in aim for maturity
Our Level 2 AIM for Maturity is designed to offer your clients in-depth insights and support transformational, rapid personal and professional development like no other assessment and report. You ll be able to achieve quicker, more developmental results, and embrace a structured, relationship-based approach to your coaching practice.
23 Jan - 1 Feb ‘24
21 - 28 Feb ‘24
aim for maturity course outline
Feedback on AIM for Maturity assessment with an accredited Aephoria coach (60 minutes).
Identification of two case studies.
Self-managed study on the MyQuest E-learning platform prior to course commencement.
Attendance at 4 x four-hour modules online covering vertical development and maturity.
Homework between modules (pair and individual).
Completion of feedback sessions and submission of verbatim with commentary assignment.
Final coaching session, 30 minutes.
Voluntary group supervision; online Aephoria community gatherings twice a month for two hours.